Saturday, January 1, 2011

Being Lazy

Hi everyone!

I'm so sorry for the lack of updates again- I've been so lazy between Christmas and New Year (ah, who am I kidding? I'm just lazy in general...).

Dad has been behaving himself so far- he's giving cheek again, but I'm not going to complain about that!! He is still getting tired quite easily, but he is slowly becoming even stronger. We went out last night to my grandparents house for an hour or two and Dad really enjoyed it- besides trips to the hospital, that was one of the only times he's been outside the house! Dad also drove down to the shops yesterday (which are about a kilometre from our place) along the back streets- I know I say it in almost every blog post, but he really is the most amazing, strong man.

Dad started chemo again on Thursday 30th December 2010. It's a gentler dose from the previous one he was on, and the drug is normally used for treating breast cancer, but apparently throat cancers also respond very well to it. So far, Dad has been fine with it. He's not experienced any side effects (yet), so fingers crossed all will be well in that regard, however, he does have to watch it for up to three weeks.

That's all the news so far- I hope your christmas and new year were wonderful and happy, and may your 2011 bring you health, joy and love.

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